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Transcription Services for PhD or Doctoral Students
Transcription Services for PhD or Doctoral Students
By: admin
27 Jul 2016The doctoral research studies pursued by students to secure the Phd always contains voluminous number of interviews and other subject related oral conversations. These interviews are mostly get recorded with help of audio recording devices. Later the Phd research scholars take down the same on playing the voice recordings of the interviews etc.
Many students being unaware of the other available options or as a matter of habit, mostly resort to the conventional laborious task of writing down the entire track of the audio records. One of the methods now being tried is, using the automated voice recognition software. But being automated, this software solution has inherent drawbacks. First of all, the software has to get trained to adapt to the user and the user has to get adjusted to the software. This requires a lot of time indeed.
Similarly, the last stages of the preparation of a Dissertation or Thesis would contain details, very crucial. Hence at that stage, automated voice recognition software like Dragon can't be relied upon and will be of no use at all. This apart, the software would change the style of writing, altering the way the thesis is prepared by the research scholar.
As discussed above, the heavy volume of recorded audio materials is one of the basic factors associated with Phd research studies making the task of taking notes, a daunting one. And relying on the automated Voice Recognition Software, totally as an alternative will be unpredictable. Under these circumstances, manual transcription of the audio records could only be a reliable solution for the PhD students.
In Transcription Hub we have a big pool of transcriptionists with expertise and many years of experience in transcribing files of PhD students from different nations, especially from the US and Australia. Apart from our uncompromising commitment an accuracy level close to 100%, we assure our customers one of the quickest turnaround times. Call us and experience the same.